
Yoshino Zushi Honten 野鮨本店よし の ずし「仕事」とは、酢で締めたり、タレを塗ったりと、生魚にさまざまな加工をすること。冷蔵庫がなかった江戸時代、魚介を日持ちさせ、長くおいしく楽しむ工夫として施されたのが始まりです。Originating as a street stand, has been serving sushi at Nihonbashi for over 140 years. Has consistently adhered to Edomae-style, such as in preparing almost all of the neta with shigoto and in never using sugar in their vinegared rice. Is also famous for rst coining the term toro(fatty maguro tuna). “Please feel free to eat whichever neta you want and how much of them, without worrying about the order in which you eat them,” says 5th generation owner Masatoshi Yoshino. The price for 1 piece of sushi is 220~1,320yen.3-8-11 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo / tel.03-3274-3001屋台から始まり、日本橋で140年以上すしを提供。甘味を一切加えない酢飯と、ほぼ全てに仕事を施したネタなど、江戸前流を守る。マグロの「トロ」という呼び名の発祥としても有名。「気負わず、順番も気にせず、好きなものを好きなだけ自由に食べてほしい」というのが5代目・ 野正敏さんの思い。寿司1貫¥220~1,320。▢住東京都中央区日本橋3-8-11 ☎03-3274-3001 ▢営11:00~14:00(L.O.)、16:30~21:00(L.O.)、土曜11:00~14:00(L.O.) ▢休日祝江戸前ずしって何?Edomae zushi, literally translated as “sushi in front of Edo,” originated in Tokyo(Edo is the old name of Tokyo) and is said to be the root of modern-day nigiri zushi, which are hand-pressed oblong mounds of seasoned rice topped mainly with single slices of raw seafood. During the Edo Period, Edomae zushi was very popular among the common people of Nihonbashi, where there used to be a sh market, as fast food served at street stands. Even today, Edomae zushi is loved by the people of this area as their soul food. Here we visited a long-established Edomae zushi restaurant, Yoshino Zushi Honten, to learn about the characteristics of Edomae zushi.Shigoto stands for the various ways in which the raw sh toppings are prepared, such as marinating with vinegar and seasoning with sauces. These methods started in the Edo Period as a means to prevent the raw sh from spoiling and to prolong their delicious avor, since refrigerators did not yet exist.具の下にある酢飯を「シャリ」と呼びます。江戸前ずしは具に味を付けていることが多いので、対して、シャリはあっさり風味。「 野鮨本店」では、赤酢と塩のみでシンプルに味付けしています。The vinegared rice under the topping is called shari. The shari used in Edomae zushi is very lightly seasoned, since the toppings are usually avored. At Yoshino Zushi Honten, the shari is prepared just with red vinegar and salt.「ネタ」は、酢飯の上にのる具を指します。もともとは江戸の前、つまり東京湾で捕れた魚介を使うのが主で、これが江戸前ずしの名前の由来でもあります。代表的なネタは、アナゴやコハダ、ハマグリなど。Neta are the sushi toppings. Originally, only seafood caught in Tokyo Bay, in other words, in front of Edo, were used, resulting in the name Edomae zushi. Typical toppings are anago(conger eel), kohada(gizzard shad), and hamaguri(clam).photo/Takashi Misawa text/Junko Inui(Roaster)握りずしの起源と言われる東京伝統の「江戸前ずし」。江戸時代、魚河岸があった日本橋では、庶民のファストフードとして屋台を中心に大流行。今も、地元のソウルフードとして愛されています。今回は老舗「 野鮨本店」を例に、江戸前ずしの特徴を紹介します。日本橋教養日本橋教養07※最新の営業状況は各店舗に直接お問い合わせください。11

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