Goldfish Lantern Walkway

7/5 (Fri) - 9/23 (Mon)
Naka-dori Street (between COREDO Muromachi 1 & 2)

Giant goldfish lanterns and digital art projections vibrantly color the traditional ambiance of Naka-dori Street. Smoke bubbles create an added layer of fantasy, transforming the street even further.

Sound and Projection 7:00pm - 11:00pm
the smoke bubbles will appear 5 times between 7:00pm and 8:00pm
May be cancelled in the case of inclement weather.
Summer Scroll
Summer Scroll

For a short time only, lighting, images and sounds transform Naka-dori Street, painting a Japanese summer scene. The seasonal motifs of fireworks and goldfish recreate the transience of summer.

Co-sponsored by: SONY PCL logo

Giant Goldfish Lanterns
Giant Goldfish Lanterns

Illuminating the street leading to the shrine are huge, 1.8 meter-tall goldfish-themed lanterns. The standard lanterns on Naka-dori Street have been changed to a goldfish pattern, and there are extra lanterns featuring a new collaborative Kincho x ECO EDO Nihonbashi design also lining the road. Known for their “Summer in Japan, Summer with Kincho” commercials, Kincho was the first brand in Japan to develop the famous mosquito-repellent incense coils which have become a ubiquitous symbol of hot summer days.

Co-sponsored by: KINCHO logo